Quickstart examples

The source contains all of these examples in a working fashion in the examples subfolder.

HTTP based

A client making JSONRPC calls via HTTP (this requires requests to be installed):

from tinyrpc import RPCClient
from tinyrpc.protocols.jsonrpc import JSONRPCProtocol
from tinyrpc.transports.http import HttpPostClientTransport

rpc_client = RPCClient(

str_server = rpc_client.get_proxy()

# ...

# call a method called 'reverse_string' with a single string argument
result = str_server.reverse_string('Simple is better.')

print("Server answered:", result)

This call can be answered by a server implemented as follows:

import gevent
import gevent.pywsgi
import gevent.queue

from tinyrpc.server.gevent import RPCServerGreenlets
from tinyrpc.dispatch import RPCDispatcher
from tinyrpc.protocols.jsonrpc import JSONRPCProtocol
from tinyrpc.transports.wsgi import WsgiServerTransport

dispatcher = RPCDispatcher()
transport = WsgiServerTransport(queue_class=gevent.queue.Queue)

# start wsgi server as a background-greenlet
wsgi_server = gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer(('', 80), transport.handle)

rpc_server = RPCServerGreenlets(

def reverse_string(s):
    return s[::-1]

# in the main greenlet, run our rpc_server


An example using zmq is very similiar, differing only in the instantiation of the transport:

import zmq

from tinyrpc import RPCClient
from tinyrpc.protocols.jsonrpc import JSONRPCProtocol
from tinyrpc.transports.zmq import ZmqClientTransport

ctx = zmq.Context()

rpc_client = RPCClient(
    ZmqClientTransport.create(ctx, 'tcp://')

str_server = rpc_client.get_proxy()

# call a method called 'reverse_string' with a single string argument
result = str_server.reverse_string('Hello, World!')

print("Server answered:", result)

Matching server:

import zmq

from tinyrpc.server import RPCServer
from tinyrpc.dispatch import RPCDispatcher
from tinyrpc.protocols.jsonrpc import JSONRPCProtocol
from tinyrpc.transports.zmq import ZmqServerTransport

ctx = zmq.Context()
dispatcher = RPCDispatcher()
transport = ZmqServerTransport.create(ctx, 'tcp://')

rpc_server = RPCServer(

def reverse_string(s):
    return s[::-1]


Further examples

In The protocol layer, you can find client and server examples on how to use just the protocol parsing parts of tinyrpc.

The RPCDispatcher should be useful on its own (or at least easily replaced with one of your choosing), see Dispatching for details.